- Public warned against consumption of milk formula produced from ingredients suspected of contamination with Clostridium botulinum (with photo)
- Correctional officers stop assault by inmate
- Hong Kong-based indie folk-rock band Noughts and Exes featured at Water Music Festival 2013 in Berlin (with photo)
- SCED's speech at opening reception of Hong Kong Festival in Auckland (English only) (with photos)
- SCED's speech at Connect Hong Kong business seminar in Auckland (English only) (with photo)
- SEN to study natural gas processing facilities in Zhuhai
- Sport For All Day proves to be a popular event (with photos)
- Appointments to Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee
- HK bans import of poultry eggs from Hualien County, Taiwan
- SCED starts visit to New Zealand (with photos)
- HAD to open temporary night heat shelters
- Postal services to Syrian Arab Republic
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Invest Hong Kong encourages northeast Mainland Chinese companies to "go global" via Hong Kong (with photo)
- Water storage figure
- FEHD cancels Yau Ma Tei light refreshment restaurant licence
- Vacant school premises allocated for quality enhancement of self-financing post-secondary institution
- Outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in kindergarten cum child care centre under CHP investigation
- Beat Drugs Fund invites grant applications for 2013 Funding Exercise
- Preventive measures against heat stroke and sunburn urged during very hot weather
- Police investigate the death of a police officer
- Assess the risk of heat stroke to employees
- Very Hot Weather Warning issued