- Speech by CS at Exhibition of World's Longest Span Bridge LEGO Bricks opening ceremony (English only)(with photos/video)
- Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases discusses seasonal influenza situation and enhanced vaccination in upcoming influenza season
- Speech by CE at GREAT Festival of Innovation reception (English only) (with photos/video)
- SCED: HK well-placed to be gateway, springboard and crucial link for Vietnam in Belt and Road ventures (with photos)
- Hong Kong and Republic of Kazakhstan sign MoU on Cultural Co-operation (with photos)
- LCQ10: Manpower of medical practitioners needed by beauty industry
- SCED speaks on visit to Vietnam (English only)
- LC: SFST's speech in moving Vote on Account Resolution
- Forty-four citizens commended for helping police fight crime (with photos)
- Speech by CE at Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital Grand Opening Ceremony (English Only) (with photos/video)
- Potassium supplement supply becomes steady
- LCQ8: Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme
- LCQ19: Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities
- FSDC holds forum on compliance (with photo)
- Speech by SCED at "Hong Kong: Your Partner in Exploring New Business Opportunities" luncheon seminar in Vietnam (English only) (with photos)
- LCQ17: Depositing or dumping of construction waste on private lands
- Man holding charged with murder
- LCQ11: Measures to assist retired elderly persons in taking up employment again or starting their own businesses
- Hong Kong Observatory Open Day to be held this weekend
- Suspect in connection with a murder case returned to Hong Kong
- Commencement Notice and Amendment Notice of Cross-boundary Movement of Physical Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments Ordinance to be gazetted on March 23
- LCQ15: Control of experiments on animals
- Applications for purchase under Sale of Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2018 and White Form Secondary Market Scheme 2018 to start on March 29 (with photos)
- Missing man in Ngau Tau Kok located
- Restaurant and staff member convicted of applying false trade description
- Appeal for information on missing man in Kowloon City (with photo)
- HKSAR and UK issue joint statement on closer collaboration on trade and economic matters
- CSSA caseload for February 2018
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- LCQ1: Wild pigs causing nuisances to the public
- LCQ21: Outsourcing property management services for public rental housing estates
- LCQ2: Dental services provided to general public
- LCQ4: Cross-boundary land freight transport
- Action plan to tackle trafficking in persons and enhance protection of foreign domestic helpers endorsed
- LCQ13: Transport arrangements for commuting to and from country parks
- LCQ6: Reviewing sections 39E and 16EC of the Inland Revenue Ordinance
- Applications open for 5th First Feature Film Initiative
- Grave sweepers urged to keep environment clean during Ching Ming Festival
- Cross-boundary passenger traffic estimates and arrangements for Easter and Ching Ming festive periods
- Transcript of remarks by S for S
- LCQ20: Replacement and rehabilitation of public sewers
- LCQ9: Hong Kong buyers purchasing oversea properties
- LCQ12: Hong Kong Tourism Board's Old Town Central campaign
- LCQ5: Combating trafficking in persons
- LCQ18: Adoption of children
- LCQ14: Combating ticket scalping activities
- LCQ3: Nuisances caused to residents by activities of receiving inbound Mainland tour groups
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- LCQ16: Long-term planning and positioning of Chinese medicine
- LCQ7: Measures to promote work-life harmony
- Applications for Bun Scrambling Competition to close next Wednesday
- Senior appointments (with photos)
- LCQ22: Provision of interpretation services for ethnic minority patients by Hospital Authority
- Appointment of non-permanent judges from other common law jurisdictions of the Court of Final Appeal
- Appointment of non-permanent Hong Kong judge of the Court of Final Appeal
- Appointment of permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal
- Senior judicial appointment: non-permanent judges from other common law jurisdictions of the Court of Final Appeal
- Senior judicial appointment: non-permanent Hong Kong judge of the Court of Final Appeal
- Senior judicial appointment: permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal
- Special opening hours of Tom Lee URBTIX outlets on March 28
- Appointments to Chief Executive's Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development
- Missing man in Tai Po located
- Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates of medical wards in public hospitals
- Red flag hoisted at Silverstrand Beach
- New income and asset limits under the Working Family Allowance to be implemented on April 1
- Red fire danger warning