- Two suspected food poisoning clusters under CHP investigation
- Person fell from height case in Tsuen Wan reclassified as attempted murder
- CEPA Joint Working Group holds its first meeting
- Summer of joy for ani-com fans (with photo)
- Appeal for information on missing woman in Kwun Tong (with photo)
- LCQ19: Supply and allocation of public rental housing units and supply of Home Ownership Scheme units
- Another fever patient with travel history tests negative for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
- Composite Interest Rate: End of May 2013
- Monetary Authority suspends Sit Wai Hong for three years
- HAD to open temporary night heat shelters
- Managers fined for illegal guesthouse operations
- Customs smashes illicit cigarettes storehouse (with photo)
- Case of necrotising fasciitis under CHP investigation
- Update on cluster of Rhinovirus cases in Tai Po Hospital
- LC Urgent Q1: Network and information security
- LCQ16: Allied health professionals of Hospital Authority
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- LCQ18: Cook posts in Fire Services Department
- Update on number of suspected human cases of avian influenza A(H7) notified
- CSSA caseload for May
- LCQ4: Manpower projection
- LCQ6: Healthcare manpower of Hospital Authority
- LCQ3: The platform screen door and automatic platform gate retrofitting works of the MTR Corporation Limited
- LCQ5: 2013-14 Land Sale Programme
- LCQ21: Severance payments, long-service payments and end-of-contract gratuities to non-civil service contract staff
- LCQ17: Buildings Energy Efficiency Funding Scheme
- CE meets Governor of Hunan Province (with photo)
- LCQ22: Restrictions on the provision of communal facilities in public housing estates
- LCQ14: Assisting the insurance industry in developing business in Qianhai
- LCQ20: Reporting Scheme for UBWs in NT village houses
- LCQ7: Nga Tsin Wai Village redevelopment project
- LCQ1: Regulation of high-risk medical procedures
- Fever patient with travel history tests negative for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
- LCQ8: Clinical waste
- LCQ2: Unlicensed guesthouse
- LCQ15: Proportion of women in government advisory and statutory bodies
- LCQ12: Rent Assistance Scheme
- LCQ13: Installation of radio base stations in HA's PRH estates
- LCQ9: The tunnel design of the Central Kowloon Route and the impact of future construction works
- LCQ10: Energy policy
- LCQ11: Statistics on residential mortgage loans
- Sale of Mainland and overseas philatelic products (with photos)
- Assess the risk of heat stroke to employees
- Very Hot Weather Warning issued
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- Preventive measures against heat stroke and sunburn under very hot weather urged