Page 5 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 5

The Board had examined during the period various             I am most grateful to my fellow members of the Board for
planning studies on the feasibility of reclamation and rock  their unwavering support for and dedication to the work of
cavern/underground space development, rehabilitation         the Board. I would like to take this opportunity to express
of quarry sites, expanding existing new towns, new           my deepest gratitude to all of them. I am confident that,
development areas and land use reviews in the rural          with our concerted effort, the Board can overcome the
area, etc. and contributed views to the government           challenges ahead and make Hong Kong a better place in
departments concerned.                                       which to live, work and play.

                                                                          Thomas Chow

                                                             Chairman, Town Planning Board

                                                             TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT 2012-2014                         3
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