Government suspends quarantine-free arrangements for arrivals from Zhuhai to Hong Kong through Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge under Return2hk and Come2hk Schemes
"The arrangement above will take effect from January 18 at 0.00am. Quota applications for entering Hong Kong from the Zhuhai Port through HZMB under the Return2hk and Come2hk Schemes will be suspended. Persons who have applied for quotas to enter Hong Kong from the Zhuhai Port through HZMB under the Return2hk or Come2hk Scheme beforehand will not be exempted from compulsory quarantine using the relevant boundary control point to enter Hong Kong. The Government will send SMS notifications to those who have already applied for quotas and are affected to inform them of the arrangement," said the Government spokesman.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will continue to maintain close communication and liaison with the Guangdong Provincial Government on the pandemic prevention and control measures of the two places.
Details of the above two schemes are available at the "COVID-19 Thematic Website":
Return2hk Scheme: or 回港易.政府.香港; and
Come2hk Scheme: or 來港易.政府.香港.
Ends/Monday, January 17, 2022
Issued at HKT 23:22
Issued at HKT 23:22