"Active Students, Active People" Campaign cum e-Gallery launching ceremony (with photos)
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Yeung said that the Education Bureau (EDB) has launched the ASAP Campaign starting from this school year with the aim of rallying the concerted efforts of schools, families and other stakeholders in society to promote a better sports atmosphere in schools, and encourage students to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle, engage in regular exercises so as to enjoy the fun and benefits. "ASAP" also means encouraging students to participate in physical activities as soon as possible for the sake of maintaining good health and unleashing vitality.
Mr Yeung specially thanked the chairpersons of three regional school heads associations, the chairperson of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation, as well as members of the Curriculum Development Council (CDC) and the Committee on Physical Education under the CDC, for demonstrating at the ceremony their support of the education sector and parents to students' vigorous participation in physical activities.
Under the ASAP Campaign, the EDB will organise territory-wide student activities, strengthen teacher training (through, for instance, a teachers' network) and design diversified and interesting learning and teaching resources to support schools' promotion of physical activities on all fronts. Promotion of parent-child sports activities and collaboration with different organisations and universities will be furthered to develop students' active and healthy lifestyles. Details of the ASAP Campaign can be found at www.edb.gov.hk/en/pe/asap.
Helping students develop an active and healthy lifestyle is one of the seven learning goals in the school curriculum. To tie in with the World Health Organization's recommendation, the EDB advocates that primary and secondary students should accumulate an average of at least 60 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities across the week. The related recommendation has been included as one of the directions of the physical education curriculum.
The EDB today also launched the e-Gallery, a one-stop online portal. The e-Gallery showcases Hong Kong students' multifarious learning outcomes in different domains, namely values education, languages, humanities, creativity and problem-solving, STEM education, arts and culture, and physical development, as well as celebrates students' outstanding performances in whole-person development.
From time to time, the e-Gallery will announce the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong students in local, national and international competitions. It will also recommend competitions of various types for schools to nominate student participants. Moreover, it will feature Hong Kong outstanding students' learning experiences in different domains, aiming to inspire more students to take up challenges and stretch their potential. In addition, the e-Gallery will hold online exhibitions which, as compared to physical exhibitions, will allow more flexibility for displaying students' attainments in whole-person development and provide opportunities for students and teachers to appreciate and learn from one another. For further details, please visit the e-Gallery website: www.edb.gov.hk/en/e-gallery.
Ends/Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Issued at HKT 12:24
Issued at HKT 12:24