Lands Department releases figures on registered lease modifications, land exchanges and private treaty grants in first quarter of 2020
These two land transactions are located on Hong Kong Island. The transactions exclude Small House cases.
A further three lots were granted by private treaty during the period. One was granted to the Hong Kong Housing Society for public rental housing estate development in Aberdeen, one was granted to the Hong Kong Housing Authority for public housing development in Ma On Shan and the other one was granted for the development of an animal welfare centre in Tsing Yi.
The above land transactions realised a total land premium of $3,000.
Transaction records of the lease modifications, land exchanges and private treaty grants, including those registered recently, are uploaded to the LandsD website ( on a monthly basis. Details of the transactions may be obtained by searching the registered documents in the Land Registry.
Ends/Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Issued at HKT 17:20
Issued at HKT 17:20