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Special traffic arrangements for International Chinese New Year Night Parade

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements in Tsim Sha Tsui on February 8 (Monday) to facilitate members of the public to watch the International Chinese New Year Night Parade.
Phase One (from 4.30pm)
A. Road closure
1. Southbound Canton Road between Kowloon Park Drive and Salisbury Road;
2. Southbound Kowloon Park Drive between Peking Road and Salisbury Road;
3. Ashley Road between Haiphong Road and Peking Road;
4. Hankow Road;
5. Lock Road;
6. Northbound Nathan Road between Bowring Street and Salisbury Road;
7. Southbound Nathan Road between Granville Road and Salisbury Road;
8. Westbound Kimberley Road between Carnarvon Road and Nathan Road;
9. Cameron Lane;
10. Eastbound Cameron Road between Nathan Road and Carnarvon Road;
11. Haiphong Road;
12. Humphreys Avenue;
13. Ichang Street;
14. Mody Road between Nathan Road and Bristol Avenue;
15. Peking Road between Ashley Road and Nathan Road;
16. Peking Road between Canton Road and Kowloon Park Drive;
17. Middle Road between Ashley Road and Salisbury Road;
18. Eastbound Salisbury Road between Canton Road and Chatham Road South;
19. Star Ferry Pier Bus Terminus;
20. First lane of westbound Salisbury Road between Nathan Road and Kowloon Park Drive, including Hong Kong Culture Centre pick-up/drop-off lay-by area.
21. Westbound Salisbury Road between Kowloon Park Drive and Canton Road; and
22. Salisbury Road Underpass.
B. Traffic diversions
1. Traffic along southbound Canton Road will be diverted to make an u-turn to northbound Canton Road outside China Hong Kong City;
2. Traffic along southbound Kowloon Park Drive will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Peking Road;
3. Traffic along eastbound Peking Road will be diverted to turn right to southbound Ashley Road;
4. Traffic along southbound Ashley Road will be diverted to turn right to westbound Middle Road;
5. Traffic along westbound Middle Road will be diverted to turn right to northbound Kowloon Park Drive;
6. Traffic along northbound Kowloon Park Drive cannot turn to southbound Canton Road;
7. Traffic along southbound Nathan Road will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Granville Road where the road will be re-routed to one-way eastbound;
8. Traffic along westbound Salisbury Road cannot turn right to northbound Nathan Road;
9. Traffic along westbound Salisbury Road will be diverted to turn right to northbound Kowloon Park Drive; and
10. Traffic along northbound Carnarvon Road will be diverted to turn right to Kimberley Road.
Phase Two (from 7pm)
A. Road closure
1. Northbound Kowloon Park Drive between Middle Road and Salisbury Road; and
2. Westbound Salisbury Road between Kowloon Park Drive and Chatham Road South.
B. Traffic diversions
1. Traffic along westbound Salisbury Road will be diverted to turn right to northbound Chatham Road South; and
2. Traffic along southbound Chatham Road South will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Salisbury Road.
C. Hotel access
     Vehicular access to and from hotels within the affected area will not be permitted during the road closure period. Vehicles bearing a hotel logo will only be allowed to drop off passengers at the following locations before the road closure implementation:
1. The junction of Peking Road and Kowloon Park Drive; and
2. The junction of Mody Road and Chatham Road South.
D. Suspension of car parks
     Vehicles will not be permitted to leave car parks in the affected area during the road closure period.
E. Suspension of on-street parking spaces
     All on-street parking spaces in the southern area of Tsim Sha Tsui (i.e. south of Austin Road and Cheong Wan Road) will be suspended from 2pm to midnight.
     Any vehicles found illegally parked within the precinct of the above areas will be towed away without prior notice.
     Actual implementation of the traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the area. Motorists should exercise tolerance and patience, and follow the instructions of Police on site.

Ends/Friday, February 5, 2016
Issued at HKT 18:15


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