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Persons in custody at Stanley Prison attain good examination results (with photos)

     A total of 67 persons in custody at Stanley Prison were presented with certificates at a ceremony today (January 13) in recognition of their academic achievements.

     Today's 67 awardees passed 85 papers, achieving a total of 46 distinctions and credits, and obtaining 85 university credit points.

     In 2015, 222 persons in custody at Stanley Prison passed 235 papers of various distance learning courses and public examinations organised by the Open University of Hong Kong, City and Guilds International Limited and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Subjects taken included languages, English for business, business finance, business calculations, bookkeeping and accounts.

     Officiating at the ceremony, the President of the Care of Rehabilitated Offenders Association (CROA), Mr Peter Wong, said that the Correctional Services Department (CSD) has long been committed to reforming persons in custody through various appropriate rehabilitation programmes, including the provision of educational opportunities for persons in custody. With the support of the CSD, persons in custody are able to prepare for their reintegration into society. Mr Wong added that the CROA has been dedicated to promoting the reintegration of rehabilitated offenders into society since its establishment in 2002. Donations have been made to the Prisoners¡¦ Welfare Fund, the Prisoners' Education Trust Fund and other funds to subsidise persons in custody to further their studies as well as support other rehabilitation activities with a view to encouraging persons in custody to turn over a new leaf and become law-abiding citizens. Mr Wong pointed out that the CSD and the CROA share the same goals, and he encouraged persons in custody to pursue further studies in order to contribute to society with their knowledge in future.

     At the ceremony, a representative of persons in custody shared his experience of rehabilitation, and his wife expressed her joy at seeing the positive change in her husband. A tai chi performance was given by persons in custody, and a band formed by persons in custody also performed at the ceremony.

     The CSD has long provided a favourable environment for adult persons in custody that encourages them to pursue further studies. To prepare rehabilitated offenders for their return to the community, Stanley Prison provides courses for them to acquire work-related training and recognition. The department also helps them attain job-relevant accreditation through the Recognition of Prior Learning Mechanism under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework in accordance with their working knowledge, skills and experience. Additionally, those who have financial difficulties may apply for an education subsidy.

     Also attending the ceremony were the Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services Lam Kwok-leung, representatives of non-governmental and community organisations, community leaders and family members of persons in custody.

     Established in 1937, Stanley Prison is a maximum security institution with a capacity of 1,511 penal places for male adult persons in custody.

Ends/Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Issued at HKT 16:39


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