The Secretary for Education (SED), Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, will depart for Hangzhou this afternoon (October 30) where he will officiate at a launch ceremony for an online exchange platform for Zhejiang and Hong Kong sister schools, as well as attending a forum on digital education tomorrow morning.
Co-organised by the Department of Education of Zhejiang Province as well as the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the Province, the forum aims to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of education collaboration through the use of information technology, to exchange experience and discuss online teaching and learning activities, and to try out advance information technology in the digital era for cross-regional interaction and collaboration as well as the sharing of quality teaching resources.
Mr Ng will deliver a speech at the forum and witness agreements between two pairs of schools in Hong Kong and Zhejiang to set up as sister schools. He will also meet and exchange views on education with senior officials of the Province.¡@
Also participating in the event will be over 30 representatives from the Hong Kong education sector, including principals and teachers of secondary and primary schools.
Mr Ng will return to Hong Kong tomorrow evening. While he is away from Hong Kong, the Under Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, will be the Acting SED.
Ends/Thursday, October 30, 2014
Issued at HKT 10:01