The Education Bureau (EDB) has produced the "Three valuable tools for 715: navigator, map and compass" to help Secondary Six graduates prepare for the release of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results on July 15.
A spokesman for the EDB said today (June 3), "The three tools are the pamphlet 'Compass@715', the electronic tool e-Navigator and a consolidated checklist for graduates of key dates on admissions and registration of institutions.
"The 'Compass@715' pamphlet provides graduates with essential information for the results release of the HKDSE Examination, including admission arrangements at various institutions, important dates and telephone hotlines and other support services.
"The electronic version of the pamphlet has been uploaded to the EDB's Designated Web Page on 715, while hard copies will be distributed to schools by late June. We have strongly advised schools to hold a briefing and distribute the pamphlet before July 15 so as to engage their students and parents and offer timely counselling and assistance," he said.
The "e-Navigator" is an electronic tool jointly developed by the EDB and the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters to help students search for programme information across different local institutions and levels, including degrees, higher diplomas, associate degrees and the Yi Jin Diploma.
The spokesman said, "Students can make use of the e-Navigator or its smartphone application to search for over 3,000 local programmes available at the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS), the Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes (iPASS), Yi Jin Diploma Programmes and the Qualifications Register.
"They may also enter their expected or actual HKDSE Examination results to conduct an advanced search for programmes. This would enable them to make more desirable plans for future studies as well as other contingency plans if necessary.
"Students using smartphones are advised to regularly update the database of the e-Navigator app, so as to obtain the latest information on courses offered by institutions, multiple pathways, past admission scores of 2012 JUPAS programmes and statistics from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority."
The "map" is a consolidated list of key dates on the release of admission results, acceptance of offers, and registration of various universities and post-secondary institutions for students to use as a checklist to remind them of the necessary actions to take before and after the release of exam results.
The spokesman said, "'Three valuable tools for 715' is now available on the EDB's Designated Web Page on 715 (www.edb.gov.hk/715/en).
"Through the EDB's Designated Web Page on 715, HKDSE students can access information on multiple pathways available to them at one location, including information on bachelor's degree programmes, sub-degree programmes, vocational programmes, the Yi Jin Diploma, non-local courses in Hong Kong and information regarding studying in the Mainland and abroad, as well as employment information.
"Links to other useful websites are also given, such as the iPASS, the Qualifications Framework and the Qualifications Register, and the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications."
The spokesman added, "It is expected that most HKDSE graduates will turn to their teachers for guidance and counselling, as schoolteachers have the best knowledge of their own students. The EDB will also operate a telephone enquiry service with three telephone lines at 2892 5447 from 8.30am to 7pm between July 15 and 19 to supplement school services in providing information and counselling to students and parents in need. Enquiry hotlines and information about many voluntary organisations are also listed out in the pamphlet 'Compass@715'.
"The EDB's four Regional Education Offices will also provide face-to-face enquiry services from July 15 to 19."
Ends/Monday, June 3, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:31