The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (December 11) announced the results of the Contractors' Performance Rating (CPR) of registered lift contractors and registered escalator contractors for the past 12 months (i.e. from December 2011 to November 2012).
For the CPR of registered lift contractors, 35 contractors got marks ranging from 50 to 100, 13 of which attained the full mark of 100. In the period from September to November this year, the EMSD issued a warning letter to Lighthouse Elevator Engineering Limited. There were three reported lift incidents related to equipment failure during the quarter.
For the CPR of registered escalator contractors, 15 contractors got marks ranging from 35 to 100, nine of which attained the full mark of 100. In the period from September to November this year, the EMSD issued a warning letter to Nikkin Lifts & Escalators Limited. There were five reported escalator incidents related to equipment failure in the past quarter.
The results of the CPR of registered lift and escalator contractors, records of lift and escalator incidents related to equipment failure and summaries of warning letters issued to registered lift and escalator contractors in the past 12 months are available on the EMSD website (www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/eng/pps/le_pub_mpr.shtml).
"To tie-in with the full implementation of the new Lifts and Escalators Ordinance on December 17 and enhance monitoring of the maintenance performance of lift and escalator contractors, the EMSD is collaborating with the industry to further optimise the CPR scheme," an EMSD spokesman said.
Ends/Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Issued at HKT 15:01