The following is the speech delivered by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation - 10th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony cum Green 18 Opening Ceremony today (May 24):
Nick (Brooke), Victor (Lo), Anthony (Tan), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon.
It seems like it was just last week that we saw the establishment of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
I can recall clearly the initial construction phase of the first batch of technology buildings along the shores of Tolo Harbour. Nick is already talking about reclaiming more land for Phase 4.
Today we celebrate the Corporation's 10th anniversary, and the opening of its new flagship building, Green 18.
Green 18 has been designed to showcase the practice of green technologies. I look forward to seeing in this special building the promised savings arising from actual energy use as compared with other buildings. The lessons learned from Experiment Green 18 will be applied to other buildings in Hong Kong, as well as other buildings in the region helping reduce our carbon footprint.
My congratulations to everyone who has contributed to the Corporation's remarkable success over the past decade. In particular, I like to recognise Nicholas Brooke, who has been serving on the Board since day one and chairing the Corporation for the last four years.
I also thank Victor, the founding chairman, as well as former and serving Board members. Their vision and energy have been invaluable as the Corporation grows from strength to strength.
Anniversaries are always a good time to recap our achievements and to think about the future. Nick has modestly described some of the lasting achievements of the Corporation.
I share your belief that innovation and technology holds the key to Hong Kong's future. That is why we have identified this area as one of the six industries for priority development.
To sustain our competitiveness, Hong Kong must make good use of technology in order to stay innovative.
The Government is firmly committed to enhancing our innovation and technology base. We have decided to expand the Science Park by developing Phase 3 at a cost of HK$4.9 billion. This will enable more technology companies to operate here and provide more employment for our engineers and scientists as well as technology workers.
The Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) has continued to support applied R&D projects. In 2010, the ITF expenditure on these projects reached a record $800 million. We have made improvements to the operation of the Fund to better support the commercialisation drive as well.
The Corporation has also been instrumental in nurturing valuable technology start-ups. At the Asian Innovation Awards 2010, it was encouraging to note that two of the 12 finalists came from Science Park. Against formidable competition, the Technopreneur Award went to a company from Science Park.
The Corporation has been actively promoting various activities to develop a culture that promotes scientific discovery and that encourages our younger generation to pursue innovation and technology as a lifelong career.
These activities include the InnoCarnival that takes place right here every November as well as the ongoing science-related activities of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have every confidence that the Corporation will keep up the good work over the next 10 years and beyond.
I thank the Corporation once again for its hard work and commitment in promoting innovation and technology over the past decade, and wish them continued success.
Thank you.
Ends/Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:00