The Government today (May 3) welcomed the election of Mr Carlson Tong as the new Chairman of the English Schools Foundation (ESF). He has been appointed for a term of three years commencing May 3, 2011.
Mr Tong is an accountant by profession, and the former Chairman of KPMG Asia-Pacific and China, with rich experience in the area of financial management. He is currently a Non-executive Director of the Securities and Futures Commission, and a member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee and of the Financial Reporting Review Panel. Mr Tong is also a member of the University Grants Committee.
The Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, welcomed the election of Mr Tong as the new Chairman of the ESF. "Mr Tong has demonstrated able leadership, expertise in accountancy and commitment in serving the community over the years. I am fully confident that Mr Tong will further enhance ESF's operation, governance and financial management. We also look forward to continuing the review on subvention arrangements with the ESF under Mr Tong's leadership."
Mr Suen also thanked the outgoing Chairman, Professor Felice Lieh Mak. "Professor Lieh Mak has been dedicated and made contributions to the ESF for the past seven years. Under her leadership, the ESF has introduced a series of reform measures in improving its governance structure and mode of operation. The ESF has also maintained the provision of quality English-medium education in Hong Kong. Professor Lieh Mak has been instrumental to the transition of the ESF into a modern provider for educational services with sound corporate governance."
The Chairman is elected by members of the ESF Board of Governors from among the independent members of the Board in accordance with section 7(1) of the English Schools Foundation Ordinance (Cap. 1117). The Board of Governors set up a Search Committee to select the new Chairman in November 2010. The Board approved the election of Mr Tong as the new ESF Chairman at its meeting of April 2011.
Ends/Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:52