Six Hong Kong students garnered three gold and three silver medals in the Sixth International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from December 2 to 11. They were the first golds and the best results for Hong Kong since our students began participating in the event in 2006.
The Olympiad aims to promote science education and reinforce the collaboration of science talent as well as provide a platform for nurturing the scientifically gifted from different countries and regions. The Olympiad invited more than 250 scientifically gifted secondary students from 49 countries or regions.
The Hong Kong gold medallists are Lum Kai-chun (Queen's College), Yu Pei-chuan (Ying Wa College) and Cheung Hil-fung (Diocesan Boys' School). The silver medallists are Xie Phil Fei (Diocesan Boys' School), Wong Hok-hei (Queen's College) and Tsai King-yung (Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School). Lum Kai-chun is a Secondary 3 student while the other five medallists are Secondary 4 students.
A ceremony to congratulate the Hong Kong team was held by the Education Bureau (EDB) at the Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre today (December 15).
The Hong Kong team members were the best performers in the International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2008-09. The Education Bureau commissioned the Chinese University of Hong Kong to provide eight months of training to the students from March to November. Training on practical experiments was strengthened this year to further boost the team members' confidence and enhance their problem solving skills.
The contents of the IJSO were adapted from the International Baccalaureate Programme for 15-year-old students, covering physics, chemistry and biology up to senior secondary level. The competition comprised one multiple-choice test, one theoretical examination and one experimental examination.
Apart from taking part in the competition and meeting other scientifically gifted students, participants were also provided with invaluable opportunities to tour museums and historical centres of the organising country to broaden their horizons and experience foreign cultures.
The Hong Kong team was led by the EDB Curriculum Officer, Mr Leung Kin-tak. The deputy leaders were Ms Chiu Shui-fan, a biology teacher at San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School, and Ms Chan Pui-fong, a physics teacher at Shatin Pui Ying College.
For more information about the Olympiad, please browse the website of the Gifted Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau (http://resources.edb.gov.hk/gifted/ijso).
Ends/Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:20