The allocation results of the 2007/2008 Junior Secondary Education Assessment (JSEA) will be released tomorrow (August 6).
"Among the 72,927 Secondary 3 (S3) students requiring allocation this year, 72,829 (99.9 %) have been allocated Secondary 4 (S4) or Post-Secondary 3 (PS3) craft course places," a spokesman for the Education Bureau (EDB) said.
"In the current JSEA cycle, 71,912 students have been allocated S4 places, with 67,428 of them (93.8%) continuing their studies in their own schools. Another 917 students have been allocated PS3 craft course places."
S3 students participating in this year's JSEA System should return to their schools to check the allocation results tomorrow.
Those who have been allocated to other schools or institutes/training centres of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) or the Construction Industry Council Training Academy will each be given a registration form. The registration form must be surrendered to the allocated school or institute/training centre during registration on Thursday (August 7).
If a student is unable to collect his/her registration form tomorrow or to turn up for registration on Thursday, the parent of the student should authorise, in writing, a representative to collect the form or register with the allocated school or institute/training centre. The authorisation letter for registration must be endorsed by the original school.
For registration with the allocated secondary school, a student should bring with him/her the following:
* the registration form;
* his/her Hong Kong identity card; and
* two recent passport-sized photographs.
For registration with the allocated institute/training centre for a PS3 craft course, a student should bring his/her registration form and Hong Kong identity card.
Those who fail to register on Thursday will be considered as having given up the S4 or PS3 craft course places allocated.
In this cycle, 98 S3 students were not allocated a place because they had indicated that they would not accept places other than those of their choice in the central allocation. These students may contact EDB for information on PS3 craft course places and S4 places in public sector schools. Those wishing to apply for the S4 places may seek assistance from EDB. Those interested in applying for the PS3 craft courses may approach the VTC admission office (Tel: 2897 6111) or the Construction Industry Council Training Academy (Tel: 2903 0642) directly.
Under the existing policy, all S3 students in publicly funded (government, aided and caput) schools who have the ability and wish to continue their studies will be provided with S4 or PS3 craft course places. Starting from the 2008/09 school year, free education will be extended to senior secondary levels in publicly funded schools. The Government will also fully subsidise full-time PS3 craft courses provided by the Vocational Training Council.
The JSEA is a mechanism for allocating S4 or PS3 craft course places to S3 leavers, making reference to their academic performance in schools and parental choices. The current form of JSEA will be abolished in the 2008/09 school year upon implementation of the new senior secondary academic structure from the 2009/10 school year onwards, when all students should normally be able to complete six years of secondary education in the same school to ensure continuity of learning. A simplified mechanism will be put in place from the 2008/09 school year onwards to arrange places for the small number of S3 students who may not be able to progress to S4 in the same school.
The School Places Allocation (SPA) Section of EDB will set up an enquiry counter at Lui Kee Education Services Centre (Address: 269 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) during office hours from Wednesday (August 6) to next Monday (August 11) to render assistance and enquiry service to students. Enquiries can also be made by phone at 2832 7770 to the SPA Section.
Ends/Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:43