The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) today (May 22) posted to candidates their results notices of the March 2006 Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (LPAT).
A total of 2,069 candidates sat for the English papers in the March 2006 LPAT while 1,800 sat for the Putonghua papers. Of them, 1,196 (57.8%) were self-claimed English language teachers and 925 (51.4%) were self-claimed Putonghua teachers.
The results of the March 2006 LPAT are as follows:
English papers:
All candidates No. and Percentage of Candidates
attaining Level 3 or above
Reading 953 815 (85.5%)
Writing 1,330 610 (45.9%)
Listening 946 703 (74.3%)
Speaking 1,233 456 (37.0%)
Classroom Language 437 405 (92.7%)
Assessment (CLA)*
No. of Self-claimed No. and Percentage of SCT
Teachers (SCT) attaining Level 3 or above
Reading 379 282 (74.4%)
Writing 648 249 (38.4%)
Listening 385 232 (60.3%)
Speaking 582 173 (29.7%)
CLA* 437 405 (92.7%)
Putonghua papers:
All candidates No. and Percentage of Candidates
attaining Level 3 or above
Listening & 1,010 541 (53.6%)
Pinyin 998 500 (50.1%)
Speaking 1,050 397 (37.8%)
CLA* 458 391 (85.4%)
No. of Self-claimed No. and Percentage of SCT
Teachers (SCT) attaining Level 3 or above
Listening & 365 161 (44.1%)
Pinyin 355 145 (40.8%)
Speaking 410 135 (32.9%)
CLA* 458 391 (85.4%)
(Note*: Entries for CLA are restricted to serving teachers only. Hence, the figures are the same in the categories of "all candidates" and "self-claimed teachers" for each subject.)
"As of May 2006, 10,838 of the 12,382 English language teachers and 5,234 of the 5,891 Putonghua teachers (about 90% in both cases) have attained the Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR) through different avenues," a spokesman for the Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) said.
"By the end of the 2005/06 school year, the vast majority of schools will have an adequate number of the LPR-met English language teachers while only a few schools will need to employ one to two new English language teachers for the coming school year. With a steady supply of 266 prospective English language teachers who will graduate from the local teacher education institutes, there will be an adequate number of LPR-met English language teachers available for appointment by schools.
"According to the LPR Policy, starting from September 2006, all the serving English language/Putonghua teachers must attain the LPR before they can continue to teach the language subjects. School heads are advised to review again their staff deployment plans to ensure that all serving English language/Putonghua teachers have attained the LPR in the 2006/07 school year," the spokesman added.
The HKEAA has mailed to candidates the results notices by post today. They are expected to reach candidates tomorrow (May 23). Those who do not receive their results by Wednesday (May 24) should contact the HKEAA on 2239 2771.
The Assessment Reports, which provide the chief examiners' observations on candidates' performance including their strengths and areas for improvement, will be released in late June 2006 through the websites of the HKEAA (http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk) and the EMB (http://www.emb.gov.hk) for the reference of candidates, schools and teacher education institutes. The question papers, including listening test CDs, suggested answers and Assessment Reports will also be available for sale in late June 2006.
Applications for rechecking of results will be accepted within seven days of the release of results, that is, from tomorrow until May 30, 2006. Candidates will be informed individually of their appeals results by June 26, 2006.
As for the English language/Putonghua teachers who cannot meet the LPR by August 31, 2006 and intend to resume teaching the language subjects afterwards, they can still do so through exemption or assessment. The LPAT will continue to be held annually from the 2006/07 school year onwards. The coming LPAT will be held in February 2007. Details of the assessment will be available through circular memorandums in the 2006/07 school year.
Ends/Monday, May 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:45