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OLA inspects licensed guesthouse (with photo)

     The Office of the Licensing Authority (OLA) of the Home Affairs Department today (February 20) conducted a routine inspection in a licensed guesthouse in Kwai Chung to ensure the premises is operated in compliance with the Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Ordinance (Cap 349) (the Ordinance) and the licence conditions.

     A spokesman for the OLA said, "The OLA has all along been attaching great importance to the structural and fire safety of licensed guesthouses and inspects the premises from time to time. Besides, the OLA will pay an on-site visit to the premises when it processes an application for the renewal of licence. The licence will be renewed in accordance with the Ordinance only after all the licensing requirements have been complied with. If irregularities are found during the inspection, officers of the OLA will instantly request the person-in-charge to rectify the problems, or take other appropriate enforcement actions when necessary."
     The operation of hotels and guesthouses in Hong Kong is regulated by the Ordinance. The OLA is responsible for administering the Ordinance and tasked with the issue of licence and enforcement work.

     The operation, keeping and management of the guesthouse shall be under the continuous and personal supervision of the licensee. Unless with the written approval of the Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Authority, the licensee or other persons (including owners or tenants) shall not alter, amend or otherwise change the partitioning and interior decoration of the units in the premises. Moreover, any public officer authorised under the Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Ordinance may, without warrant, at all reasonable times enter and inspect any licensed guesthouse. Contravention of any licence conditions is a criminal offence and will lead to a criminal record. Upon conviction, the offender is liable to a fine of $100,000 and to imprisonment for two years, as well as a fine of $10,000 for each day during which the offence continues.  

     Moreover, the guesthouse licence issued by the OLA will not affect or have the effect to modify the Deed of Mutual Covenant or any covenant relating to the premises or building in which the guesthouse is situated. The OLA has reminded the operators to ensure the operation of the guesthouse is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the said documents through the guidelines for applying for a licence, the application form for a licence, the confirmation letter of form receipt as well as the letters accompanying new licence, licence renewal and transfer. The issue of a guesthouse licence does not exempt its holder from the legal consequences of non-compliance with the provisions of any other enactments.

Ends/Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:54


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