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Speech by President of Equestrian Committee at Welcome Reception (With photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the President of the Equestrian Committee, Mr Michael Suen, at Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games Equestrian Events Hong Kong Welcome Reception at Shatin Racecourse this (September 6) evening:

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening and a warm welcome to Hong Kong, Asia's world city.

     Two weeks ago, the curtain came down on a wonderful and memorable Summer Olympics.  Today, the curtain rises on the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

     The concepts of transcendence, integration and equality as enshrined in the Paralympic spirit burn brightly in the hearts of people around the world.  In Beijing, and here in Hong Kong, we are determined to stage two Games of equal splendour.

     Hong Kong has always been proud of our Paralympians and their achievements on the international stage.  Their courage and determination to excel in the international sporting arena is an inspiration to us all.

     That pride is even more deeply felt this year because our city has been entrusted to stage the Paralympic Equestrian Events.  I reaffirm our Olympic pledge to do our utmost to ensure these will be the most successful Paralympic Equestrian Events.   

     Over the past three years, many hundreds of people have worked tirelessly to prepare the way for the Equestrian Events.  I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of them.  We are also grateful to the major players for their unstinting support and encouragement.

     We thank the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and BOCOG for their advice and guidance; the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) for its technical assistance on equestrian sport; the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled for promoting the Paralympic movement in Hong Kong; members of the Equestrian Committee, for their invaluable advice and support; the Equestrian Company, for their meticulous arrangements to stage the events; and the Hong Kong Jockey Club for providing such a magnificent, world-class competition venue, and for helping to ensure the welfare of the horses.

     Last but by no means least, I thank the workforce and volunteers, without whom we would not be able to stage these events.  All of you deserve a gold medal for your dedication, your professionalism and your commitment to service quality.  

     Ladies and gentlemen, it just remains for me to wish the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games and the Equestrian Events in Hong Kong a resounding success. I hope you enjoy the Games and have a wonderful stay in Hong Kong!

     Thank you very much.

Ends/Saturday, September 6, 2008
Issued at HKT 20:04


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