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CS' transcript


    Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Rafael Hui, to the media at the Central Government Offices this (July 13) afternoon:

Reporter: What do you think about suggestions about the statutory body for the West Kowloon project? The DAB has also suggested the introduction of a White Bill for political reform. What are your views?

Chief Secretary: Two subjects. Firstly, I think the idea of having some kind of a body ? and we have no fixed views yet as to what shape and form this body is going to be at this stage. Actually, I think this idea is something that is worth very serious consideration. I have noted that this proposal is not a new proposal. It has been made by various parties - Legco members, political parties - before and it deserves serious consideration. But at this stage, to me, what is important is the principle that at some stage in the development, in the ongoing development of the West Kowloon project, there must be external and public participation by sectors that are directly involved. It cannot be something that is entirely being managed and looked after by the Government from the beginning to the end. So at some stage there must be a degree of participation. Now as to what form that participation should look like, and at what stage that participation should occur is something we need to consider in the next two months. I hope I will be able to report to Legco sometime in September on progress achieved so far, on the views of the public that we have collected, and on the way forward in more concrete and specific terms.

Reporter: You haven't answered my second question.

Chief Secretary: As regards the Report No.5 on our political development, timing is very tight because you have to have sufficient time for consultation, for the legislative process, and for certain milestones to be achieved before the summer of next year. It is our top priority, no doubt about it. Whether we can present something to the public, including the Legislative Council, in September, as of today I cannot definitely say whether we can make it or not. But there is certainly a great degree of urgency and we will try to do this as soon as possible. In September, whether there will be a White Bill in addition to the report is something that is still under consideration. As of today, I cannot give you a definite answer.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Issued at HKT 19:25


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