- Oriental Magpie Robin tested for H5 virus (31.12.2009)
- CHP investigating case of influenza A (H9N2) infection (23.12.2009)
- Live chicken imports remain unchanged before Winter Solstice (16.12.2009)
- Two new detector dogs to combat illegal importation of animals (4.12.2009)
- Imports of poultry products from Spain to resume (18.11.2009)
- Tripartite co-operation in focus infection (13.11.2009)
- CHP investigating a case of influenza A (H9) infection (3.11.2009)
- AFCD reminds public not to keep backyard poultry (24.9.2009)
- Exercise ensures AFCD prepared for avian influenza outbreak (24.7.2009)
- Processing of Republic of Korea poultry import applications resumes (9.7.2009)
- Feral pigeon confirmed positive for H5N1 virus (2.5.2009)
- Response level for avian influenza down to alert level (15.4.2009)
- Chicken carcass found in Tung Ping Chau confirmed positive for H5N1 virus (12.3.2009)
- Chicken carcass found in Tung Ping Chau confirmed positive for H5N1 virus (6.3.2009)
- SFH attaches great importance to biosecurity of local chicken farms (5.3.2009)
- Crested Myna confirmed positive for H5N1 virus (20.2.2009)
- Crested Myna tested positive for H5 virus (15.2.2009)
- LCQ1: Preventive and control measures on seasonal influenza and avian influenza (11.2.2009)
- Large-billed Crow tests positive for H5N1 virus (10.2.2009)
- SFH on healthcare reform and avian influenza (9.2.2009)
- Up-to-date information of avian influenza available on website (7.2.2009)
- Latest avian influenza test results (5.2.2009)
- Dead goose and two dead ducks found in Sha Lo Wan test positive for H5N1 virus (4.2.2009)
- Nine more dead birds collected on Lantau today (3.2.2009)
- AFCD continues investigation into discovery of bird carcasses on Lantau (2.2.2009)
- Carcasses of a goose and two ducks tested positive for H5 virus (31.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Hunan Province (31.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Guangxi (26.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Guizhou (25.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Xinjiang (24.1.2009)
- Government urges poultry traders to stay calm (20.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Hunan (19.1.2009)
- CHP gears up flu prevention measures before arrival of flu season (19.1.2009)
- SFH on avian influenza (19.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Shanxi Province (17.1.2009)
- Exercise Redwood to test government response to human avian flu cases (10.1.2009)
- Exercise Redwood to test designated clinics' activation procedures (9.1.2009)
- Gene sequencing of H9N2 virus shows avian origin (7.1.2009)
- Notification of a human case of avian flu in Beijing (6.1.2009)
- AFCD reminds public not to keep backyard poultry (5.1.2009)
Global situation of avian influenza
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