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HKTE visits Canada to attract talent for development of "eight centres" (with photos)
     A spokesman for Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) said today (January 20) that HKTE continues to proactively promote the city's strengths globally and attract international talent for contributing to development of the "eight centres" (Note). Last week, the Director of HKTE, Mr Anthony Lau, visited Canada to engage with local talent in the areas of legal services, innovation and technology, and trades, etc. Mr Lau promoted Hong Kong's virtually boundless opportunities and the various talent-attraction initiatives of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to students and alumni of renowned local universities as well as industry professionals.

​     During their stay in Canada, the HKTE delegation led by Mr Lau visited Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton and Montreal to exchange with representatives from three universities in the world's top 100, namely the University of Toronto, McMaster University and McGill University, as well as touring the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto.

​     HKTE also hosted four exchange events and invited representatives from the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, as well as two finance and engineering alumni of the University of Toronto, to introduce the latest developments of the relevant industries in Hong Kong.

​     Mr Lau said, "During the visit to Canada, HKTE has connected with numerous talent required for development of the 'eight centres' and encouraged them to pursue opportunities in Hong Kong. To tie in with Hong Kong's future development, HKTE will continue to strengthen overseas promotion efforts and will visit key overseas regions, including the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America, this year to seek to attract international high-calibre talent."

Note: The "eight centres" are an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, an international aviation hub, an international financial centre, an international innovation and technology centre, an international trade centre, an international transportation centre, a regional centre for international legal and dispute resolution services as well as a regional intellectual property trading centre.
Ends/Monday, January 20, 2025
Issued at HKT 15:08
Today's Press Releases  


The Director of Hong Kong Talent Engage, Mr Anthony Lau, led an HKTE delegation during its visit to Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, and Montreal, Canada, last week. Photo shows Mr Lau introducing Hong Kong's development opportunities and various talent admission schemes to students and alumni of the University of Toronto.
The Director of Hong Kong Talent Engage, Mr Anthony Lau, introduced Hong Kong's development opportunities and various talent admission schemes to local talent at an exchange event in Toronto, Canada, on January 14 (Toronto time). Photo shows Mr Lau (second left) exchanging views with the participants at a themed seminar.