Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Digital Education holds first meeting (with photos)
The Chairperson of the Committee and Under Secretary for Education, Dr Sze Chun-fai, said, "With reference to the latest developments of digital education on the Mainland and relevant policies and experiences from other countries, the members deliberated and provided advice on the goals and strategies, as well as the future development direction for implementing digital education in Hong Kong at today's meeting. The Education Bureau will also hold engagement sessions with stakeholders starting this January, inviting representatives from the school sector, the EdTech industry, etc, to share their views on the development of digital education in Hong Kong.
"In formulating the policy direction for digital education, the Committee makes reference to relevant guidance documents from the Ministry of Education to fully utilise digitalisation for empowering basic education. This includes enabling flexible teaching anytime anywhere, sharing high-quality resources, optimising curriculum content and teaching processes, optimising students' learning approaches, and conducting teaching evaluation precisely, to improve learning and teaching effectiveness for contributing to high-quality development in Hong Kong and our country, and accelerate the construction of our country as a leading country in education. I look forward to collaborating closely with all Committee members and listening to their strategic insights on the development of digital education to make our work more impactful."
After discussion by the Committee, the Government will commence work in the following four areas:
1. To enhance students' digital literacy and skills so that they can use digital technologies effectively and ethically, becoming responsible citizens and lifelong learners;
2. To strengthen professional training in digital education for teachers and encourage schools to use innovative technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, to assist teaching, encourage teaching innovation and enhance learning and teaching effectiveness;
3. To optimise digital education ancillary infrastructure and create an intelligent learning environment, including smart education platforms, to ensure equal opportunities for all students to use digital technologies for learning, promote personalised learning, and facilitate resource sharing; and
4. To strengthen ties between local, Mainland or international innovation and technology institutions, tertiary institutions, and relevant sectors to enhance synergy and promote high-quality development of digital education.
The establishment of the Committee aims to provide advice on the goals and strategies of the implementation of digital education development, review the implementation progress and effectiveness of related measures, and facilitate academic and cross-sector collaboration for advancing the development of digital education in Hong Kong. The Committee comprises representatives from relevant government bureaux, advisory organisations, and institutions.
The terms of reference and membership of the Committee are outlined in the Annex.
Ends/Friday, January 17, 2025
Issued at HKT 16:40
Issued at HKT 16:40