SCS briefs civil servants on Policy Address initiatives (with photo)
Mrs Yeung's letter to civil service colleagues, entitled "Enhance Governance Capabilities and Continue to Strengthen Management", outlined the policy initiatives including the strengthening of civil service management and promotion of digitalisation.
She said, "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is making all-out, concerted efforts to build a vibrant economy, seek development opportunities and improve people's livelihood. Civil servants must continue to serve the public proactively and render full support to the Chief Executive in his administration of Hong Kong, and do so with loyalty, dedication and a spirit of embracing challenges, reforms and innovation. This will elevate Hong Kong to new heights and build a better home for people."
Mrs Yeung added, "To move forward, we need a high-quality and efficient government team. For this reason, I had a meeting with civil service unions after the delivery of the Policy Address, so that the unions and civil servants would have a clear understanding and appreciation of the Government's governing tenets and measures. This would enable them to render better support to the Chief Executive in his administration of Hong Kong and become a solid supporting force for Hong Kong's advancement."
Ends/Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Issued at HKT 19:50
Issued at HKT 19:50