CE thanks LegCo for passing Motion of Thanks in respect of Policy Address

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, expressed his gratitude to the Legislative Council (LegCo) for passing the Motion of Thanks in respect of the Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address today (November 24).
     Mr Lee said, "This Policy Address, entitled 'A Vibrant Economy for a Caring Community', not only points out areas where we need to delve deeper and wider based on what we have achieved over the past year, but also introduces new fields and directions that we should pursue. This Policy Address carries my vision and my pledge for the future of Hong Kong. The policy measures included were formulated after careful consideration of the views of the public and various sectors. It is a Policy Address for each and every one of us.
     "I express my gratitude to LegCo Members for offering their views on various measures in the Policy Address during the debate on the Motion of Thanks for three consecutive days, especially for their suggestions on different arenas related to upholding the 'one country, two systems' principle and safeguarding national security, improving governance, creating strong impetus for growth, addressing people's concerns and difficulties in daily life, safeguarding harmony and stability, and promoting youth development. The Government will analyse and study these views so that the implementation of relevant measures can better meet the needs and expectations of the public.
     "My team and I will continue to strengthen exchanges and co-ordination with the LegCo during the implementation of policy initiatives through various means, with a view to bringing the executive-legislative relationship to the next level and creating greater value and power of 'patriots administering Hong Kong'."

Ends/Friday, November 24, 2023
Issued at HKT 17:00