Tenders invited for Dualling of Hiram's Highway from Marina Cove to Sai Kung Town
The Highways Department (HyD) today (September 29) invited tenders for Dualling of Hiram's Highway from Marina Cove to Sai Kung Town (Contract No. HY/2023/12).
The works are scheduled to commence in the second quarter of 2024 and will take about 84 months to complete. The Contract mainly comprises design and construction of the following:
(i) widening of two sections of Hiram's Highway of approximately 3.5 kilometres in total length between Marina Cove and Pak Sha Wan, and between Pak Sha Wan and Sai Kung Town from the existing single two-lane carriageway to a dual two-lane carriageway;
(ii) widening of the Pak Sha Wan section of Hiram's Highway of approximately 100 metres in length from the existing single two-lane carriageway to a single four-lane carriageway;
(iii) widening of a section of Po Tung Road of approximately 400 metres in length between Yau Ma Po Street and Fuk Man Road from the existing single two-lane carriageway to a dual two-lane carriageway;
(iv) improvement of a section of Po Tung Road and Tai Mong Tsai Road of approximately 600 metres in total length between Fuk Man Road and Wai Man Road to a single two-lane carriageway in accordance with current standards;
(v) a subway across Hiram's Highway with associated lifts in Pak Sha Wan; and
(vi) ancillary works including drainage and sewerage, waterworks, slope stabilisation, public lighting, noise barriers, landscaping works as well as other associated works.
The HyD has appointed WSP (Asia) Limited as the consultant to supervise the design and construction works. Interested contractors can obtain the tender forms and other particulars from WSP (Asia) Limited at 7/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.
The invitation to tender was gazetted today. Submission of tenders will close at noon on December 22, 2023 (Friday). Tender submissions should be placed in the Government Secretariat Tender Box located at the lobby of the Public Entrance on G/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong.
For enquiries, please call WSP (Asia) Limited at 2579 8899.
Ends/Friday, September 29, 2023
Issued at HKT 11:00