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Results of applications for 12th-round funding exercise of Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme announced
     ​The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau today (July 28) announced the application results of the 12th-round funding exercise of the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS). A total of 15 successful applications (13 for Project Grants and 2 for Springboard Grants) will be funded, involving a total amount of around $45.45 million.
     A total of 80 applications were received and put forth for assessment in the 12th-round funding exercise. The successful applications are of a high standard, with a diverse representation across genres covering arts education/appreciation/promotion, arts technology, community arts, dance, multi-disciplinary arts, music and theatre.
     The successful applicants (categories and names of organisations in alphabetical order) are as follows:
Name of organisation Title of proposal Category
Asia Art Archive Limited Recalling Disappearance: Hong Kong Contemporary Art Arts Education/Appreciation/Promotion
The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival 2023 - 2024 Arts Education/Appreciation/Promotion
MetaBow Limited MetaMaps Workshop and Performance Series Arts Technology
STEP OUT Limited The Future Step Arts Technology
Lost Child Project Hong Kong Limited Regain The Lost Wings:
Earth Art X Environmental Friendliness X Immersive Theatre
Community Arts
St James' Settlement* Musiclay* Community Arts
Beyond Dance Theater Repertoire x Dance x Youth Art Power - A Contemporary Dance Theatre Development Scheme Dance
H.D. X International Festival Limited Hong Kong Dance Exchange Dance
Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians and Scenographers Company Limited (HKATTS) HKATTS Technical Arts Festival 2024 - Taste & Space Multi-disciplinary Arts
Drip Music Limited Ensemble Transience: Jazz Across Boundaries - Outreach & Incubation Music
Hong Kong Grand Opera Company Limited* Opera of Fairy Tales* Music
NOEMA HK Limited 起點・歸處 Music
On & On Theatre Workshop Company Limited Together and Beyond: 25th Anniversary Development Programme Theatre
Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio Limited Hong Kong International Shakespeare Festival Theatre
Theatre du Pif Limited SPARK 2024 - 25 Theatre
* Successful applications for Springboard Grants
Note: The award of grants is subject to the successful applicants' signing of funding agreements with the Government.
     Introduced by the Government in 2011, the ACDFS is administered on the advice of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development. Members of the Committee take part in the assessment of applications together with Expert Advisers. The funding scheme aims to provide funding support for innovative and impactful proposals that contribute to the objectives of capacity development, programme/content development, audience building and arts education. It also seeks to provide an avenue of support for large-scale and cross-year arts and cultural initiatives/activities so as to enhance capacity development for promising arts groups and arts practitioners as well as to encourage the community and the private sector to support and sponsor the arts.
Ends/Friday, July 28, 2023
Issued at HKT 16:00
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