SCED continues visit in Japan (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, today (June 20) continued his visit in Tokyo, Japan, and met with a number of Japanese business leaders and government officials to promote Hong Kong's unique advantages and potentials as well as the immense opportunities brought about by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development.
     He stressed that with the "one country, two systems" principle, underpinned by an open and free market, a fine tradition of the rule of law, Hong Kong continues to be recognised as the world's freest economy with the best investment environment, a global financial centre and one of the most competitive economies around the globe.
     He welcomed the Japanese political and business leaders to visit Hong Kong to learn about its latest developments and favourable business environment, and also experience the vibrancy of the city.
     Meanwhile, he reiterated that Hong Kong's early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would definitely further strengthen the already close economic and mutually beneficial relations with Japan, and deepen co-operation with the RCEP economies in the region.
     During his visit today, Mr Yau first had a breakfast meeting with key business partners from various sectors and met with the Chairman of Japan External Trade Organization, Mr Ishiguro Norihiko, to keep them abreast of the latest trade and economic developments in Hong Kong as well as the new measures for attracting enterprises and investment.
     He then proceeded to visit NEC Corporation (NEC) which is a renowned multinational information technology and electronics company. He met with the Executive Advisor of NEC, Dr Nobuhiro Endo, who is also the Vice Chair of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), to exchange views on enhancing business co-operation between Hong Kong and Japan.
     In the afternoon, Mr Yau met with State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Ms Fusae Ota, and State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Mr Shunsuke Takei, to give them an update on Hong Kong's latest developments and exchange views on promoting closer bilateral relation and deepening regional co-operation.
     Mr Yau was also invited to attend a media luncheon of "World of Winners" ticket giveaway launch in Japan organised by the Airport Authority Hong Kong in support of the "Hello Hong Kong" Campaign.
     Mr Yau will return to Hong Kong tomorrow morning (June 21).

Ends/Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Issued at HKT 17:47