FEHD takes stringent enforcement actions against preparation or storage of food or washing utensils in open spaces

     A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said today (July 5) that the FEHD has conducted a series of blitz operations in the past month against licensed food businesses for preparation or storage of food or washing utensils in open spaces. The spokesman strongly urges all persons engaged in any food business to comply with relevant regulations at all times to ensure food safety and environmental hygiene of the premises and connecting places. The FEHD and other enforcement departments will proactively take stringent enforcement actions on an ongoing basis, and urge related persons not to defy the law.

     The spokesman continued, "The FEHD has conducted multiple blitz operations over the last month and inspected a total of 1 827 licensed premises as well as public places, such as rear lanes, in various districts. The focus of the enforcement actions includes but is not limited to combating offences against preparation or storage of open food in open spaces such as rear lanes, or washing, cleansing or storage of any equipment or utensils used in the preparation or service of food, carrying on a food business otherwise than at the place delineated in the plan approved in respect of the licence according to the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X) (the Regulation), and obstruction of public places pursuant to the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228)."

     The enforcement figures of the FEHD in the six months since 2022 include:
Matters involved Number of prosecutions
For the purpose of any food business, use alley, street and open space, etc, for the preparation or storage of open food or for the washing, cleansing or storage of any equipment or utensils used in the preparation or service of food 29 cases (including six cases in June)
Carrying on food business otherwise than at the place delineated in the plan approved in respect of the licence 94 cases (including 29 cases in June)
Obstruction of public places 697 cases (including 166 cases in June)
     The spokesman added, "The Regulation stipulates that every person engaged in any food business shall take reasonably necessary measures to protect the food from risk of contamination. In addition, no person shall use any alley, street and open space, etc, for the preparation or storage of open food for the purpose of any food business. Moreover, a licensee is not allowed to carry on a food business otherwise than at the place delineated in the plan approved in respect of the licence. Upon conviction, an offender is liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 and three months' imprisonment."
     The spokesman stressed that the FEHD will continue to step up inspections across the territory and conduct joint operations with the relevant enforcement departments when necessary to ensure that all persons engaged in any food business and members of the public strictly comply with relevant legislations. Stringent enforcement actions will be taken against offenders to ensure food safety and environmental hygiene.

     Separately, concerning media enquiries received earlier about the rear lane between Tai Wai Road and Chik Sau Lane, the FEHD has inspected the rear lane on various occasions at different times of the day back in June, and have taken enforcement actions (including taking out two prosecutions against scullery activities in open spaces and posting nine Notices to Remove Obstructions). The FEHD has also warned the relevant restaurant operator that using open spaces for handling food makes him liable for prosecution, and provided health education to him as well. The FEHD has also issued a nuisance notice to the party concerned on June 20 for the case of dripping water from an air conditioner. According to the record of inspection on June 22, the nuisance notice was found to be complied with. In addition, the FEHD has liaised with various departments on maintenance work and other enforcement actions under their respective purview. Some work has been completed (including clearance of a choked U-channel in June), and other work is in progress or will commence. The FEHD will continue to keep in view the situation and take appropriate follow-up actions.

Ends/Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Issued at HKT 19:03