Anti-epidemic subsidy scheme for frontline recycling staff under Recycling Fund launched

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) announced today (March 21) the launch of the One-off Frontline Recycling Staff Support Scheme (OFRSS) to provide financial support to frontline staff of the recycling business in recognition of their anti-epidemic efforts.

     The scheme, proposed by the EPD, was endorsed by the Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund. A sum of $100 million has been earmarked under the Recycling Fund for the implementation of the OFRSS under the Enterprise Support Programme. The Recycling Fund will disburse the subsidy to the frontline recycling staff through the recycling companies, with a monthly allowance of $2,000 for five months per person (i.e. total of $10,000). About 7,000 frontline workers would benefit from the scheme.

     A spokesman for the EPD said, "Since the outbreak of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, frontline recycling staff have been performing their work dutifully, providing anti-epidemic contributions. Some of them serve in settings with exposure to higher health risks. Since late February, the department has distributed a total of about 20,000 rapid antigen test kits to frontline staff through various recycling and waste collection trade associations and recycling service contractors. The OFRSS will provide further support to the frontline staff of the recycling business."

     Applications should be submitted by the recycling companies. Frontline recycling staff are not required to submit applications separately. The Recycling Fund will distribute the subsidy to the frontline staff through the recycling company. A streamlined fast-track procedure has been put in place to expedite the application by recycling companies which have successfully applied for other subsidies under the Recycling Fund previously.

     The subsidy scheme is now open for application until April 30, 2022. Details of the scheme are available on the Recycling Fund website ( For enquiries, please contact the Recycling Fund Secretariat at 2788 5658 or email to

Ends/Monday, March 21, 2022
Issued at HKT 11:05