Target date of inaugural flights under HK-Singapore Air Travel Bubble to be reviewed in early July
The Governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Singapore will review in early July the target date of inaugural flights under the Hong Kong-Singapore Air Travel Bubble (ATB), taking into account the latest development of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in Singapore, which has been stabilising since early June. An announcement on the way forward would be made in early July.
A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said today (June 10) that subsequent to the announcement on May 17 about deferral of the inaugural flights under the ATB, the two governments have been closely monitoring the epidemic situation in both places, including the effectiveness of the anti-epidemic measures implemented by the Singapore Government in response to the latest epidemic development. The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, has been in regular dialogue with the Minister for Transport of the Republic of Singapore, Mr S Iswaran. Both consider that it is prudent to keep the developments under review to ensure the epidemic situation is sufficiently stable before deciding in early July on the way forward for the ATB.
The spokesman stressed that both governments remain strongly committed to launching the ATB with a view to resuming air travel between the two regional aviation hubs and international cities in a gradual and orderly manner under a set of stringent public health protocols.
Travellers who wish to travel between the two places via the ATB arrangement should watch out for the latest announcements and adjust their itineraries according to their own circumstances.
For details of the ATB, please refer to the designated website: www.tourism.gov.hk/travelbubble.
Ends/Thursday, June 10, 2021
Issued at HKT 16:30