CE meets guest speakers of AFF (with photos)
The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met a number of guest speakers of the Asian Financial Forum (AFF) separately yesterday and today (January 15 and 16) at the Chief Executive's Office to exchange views on global and regional economic, trade and financial development.
All of them are experts from Mainland and overseas governments, regulatory authorities or finance sectors, including the 76th United States Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Jacob J Lew; the First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Mr David Lipton; the President and Chairman of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Mr Jin Liqun; the Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Dr Jiang Yang; the Vice Chairman and President of the China Investment Corporation, Mr Tu Guangshao; and the Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Vista Equity Partners, Mr Robert Smith.
Mrs Lam expressed her gratitude to them for accepting the invitation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to speak at the two-day 11th Asian Financial Forum, themed on "Steering Growth and Pioneering Innovation: Asia and Beyond", which concluded today. They spoke on a wide range of topics at the Forum including the economic outlook of China, Asia and the world; how to leverage innovation to maintain growth and drive the global economy; emerging innovations in financial technologies (Fintech) for Asia; and how the internationalisation of the Renminbi and the Belt and Road Initiative would impact global economic and market developments. More than 2,900 attendees from around the world benefited from their insights.
Mrs Lam pointed out that "growth" and "innovation" are the two keywords underlying the theme of this year's Forum, and are very much in line with Hong Kong's development. Hong Kong is in the Asian region where growth and potential are boundless, and China is the engine of global economic growth. Hong Kong, which has been innovating into prosperity, needs to seize upon innovation to stay ahead and remain competitive, she said. In particular, the current-term Government is committed to developing Fintech to raise operational efficiency, generate new business opportunities and enhance customer experience, propelling further economic growth.
Ends/Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Issued at HKT 20:06