Public engagement launched on establishment of Commission on Children

     The Government announced today (November 10) the launch of a public engagement on the establishment of a Commission on Children. The public engagement period will last from November 13 to January 31, 2018.

     As announced in the Chief Executive's 2017 Policy Address, the Government plans to set up a Commission on Children in mid-2018 to amalgamate the efforts made by relevant bureaux/departments and child concern groups, and focus on addressing children's issues as they grow. To this end, the Government established a Preparatory Committee chaired by the Chief Executive in September 2017 to advise the Chief Executive on the status, terms of reference, structure, composition and initial work plan for the Commission on Children. 

     The Preparatory Committee will conduct a series of public engagement activities during the public engagement period, including forums for children, parents, children's rights groups, the social welfare sector, the education sector, the healthcare sector and the general public, to canvass views from the community extensively including those of children, so as to ensure that the functions and the work of the new Commission on Children will have the support of the community. In particular, the Government wishes to collect the public's views on issues including the expected role, functions, composition and structure of the Commission; the priority areas or issues to be addressed by the Commission in the first two years; any suggested independent research studies, reviews or funding schemes by the Commission to facilitate its work; and the theme and approach for any promotional and public education initiatives by the Commission.

     Members of the public are welcome to send their views to the Labour and Welfare Bureau by post (Team 1, Labour and Welfare Bureau, 11/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong), fax (2524 7635) or email ( on or before January 31, 2018. For more information on the public engagement activities, please visit the following website:

Ends/Friday, November 10, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:40