Arrangement for specialist and general out-patient clinics under Black Rainstorm Warning
The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
Please arrange immediate announcement and repeat at regular intervals:
The Hospital Authority today (October 19) announced that its general out-patient clinics, specialist clinics including physiotherapy and occupational therapy will close as the Black Rainstorm Warning has been issued by Hong Kong Observatory. However, services will continue to be provided to patients who are now at the clinics. Those who have made appointments but not yet arrived are advised to make a new appointment after the cancellation of the Black Rainstorm Warning. Accident & Emergency services at hospitals will remain as normal.
Furthermore, if the signal is still in force at 6pm, evening general out-patient clinics will also suspend services until further notice.
Ends/Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Issued at HKT 16:29