CE congratulates Hong Kong delegation on winning medal in Rio Paralympic Games

     The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, today (September 16) congratulated the Hong Kong delegation on winning a Paralympic Games medal. Wheelchair fencing athletes Justine Charissa Ng, Yu Chui-yee and Chan Yui-chong won silver in the women’s epee team event, which was their second consecutive medal in the same category of the Games.

     Mr Leung said, "The outstanding performance of Justine Charissa Ng, Yu Chui-yee and Chan Yui-chong is the result of years of hard work and dedication. I and all Hong Kong people are very proud of them."

     The Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Ms Florence Hui, also extended congratulations to the delegation. She commended the athletes’ perseverance and wished them to achieve more great results.

     The Hong Kong delegation has so far won five medals comprising one gold, two silver and two bronze in the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

Ends/Friday, September 16, 2016
Issued at HKT 9:00