Government provides more information on live pig supply on Internet to enhance market transparency

     A spokesman for the Food and Health Bureau today (August 14) said the Government has been watching closely the supply of live pigs in the local market. Over the past few months, it was noted that live pig prices had been rising on the Mainland due to tighter supply. Live pig retail prices in Hong Kong are on a rising trend. To give the public and the trade a fuller picture about the live pig supply situation and to enhance market transparency, the Government will provide more information on live pig supply on the Internet starting from today.

     "In addition to information that has already been provided including the total daily number of live pigs supplied as well as the highest, lowest and average auction prices, a chart showing the distribution of the number of live pigs sold at different auction prices on the day is also provided on the website of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department ( This will further enhance the dissemination of market information," the spokesman said.

     Apart from the above information, the public and the trade may also obtain from the above website the average daily supply and auction prices of live pigs in the past 12 months on a monthly basis as well as the live pig supply forecast for the next day.

     The spokesman added, "The number of live pigs supplied from the Mainland over the past few months has been generally stable, with a daily supply of more than 4 000 live pigs on average. Different breeds of live pigs hitherto unavailable are also being supplied to Hong Kong. Hence, live pig prices may vary according to the quality of individual breeds.

     "The Government will continue to monitor the overall supply and prices of live pigs. We will maintain close liaison with the trade and relevant Mainland authorities with a view to ensuring a stable supply of live pigs."

Ends/Friday, August 14, 2015
Issued at HKT 17:31