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LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the Second Reading of Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2015

     Following is the speech (translated from Chinese) by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, in moving the Second Reading of the Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2015 in the Legislative Council (LegCo) today (April 22):


     I move the Second Reading of the Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2015.

     We propose to make necessary technical amendments regarding the detailed arrangements for the 2016 LegCo election through the Bill. The amendments include technical amendments concerning the electorate of the functional constituencies (FCs), the name of an FC and counting procedures.

     Regarding the electorate of the FCs, in keeping with the established practice, and in consultation with relevant bureaux/departments, we have reviewed the delineation of the electorate of all the FCs under the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542). On the basis of the review, we propose to make necessary technical amendments, whilst maintaining the existing delineation of the FCs concerned intact. The proposed amendments can be classified into four categories, including:

(a) to update the names of the bodies which have had their names changed;
(b) to remove bodies which have ceased operation;
(c) to improve the formulation of the definition of some electors; and
(d) to add new electors to update the prevailing situation of the FCs concerned.

     Besides, having considered the comments at the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs, we propose to change the name of the "architectural, surveying and planning FC" to the "architectural, surveying, planning and landscape FC". Including "landscape" in the name would more comprehensively reflect the composition of the FC which includes architects, surveyors, planners and landscape architects. This is a purely technical amendment that will not affect the existing definition of the concerned FC's electorate.

     For the above technical amendments, we propose that corresponding amendments should be made to the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569) to reflect the corresponding changes to the name and electorate of, and the registration of voters for, the relevant Election Committee subsectors.

     Regarding other technical amendments, they are related to two matters. First, in the light of the experience gained from previous elections, we propose to take the opportunity to make clear the counting procedures for the District Council (second) FC election. In addition, we propose to rectify two textual errors.

     President, I hope that Members will support the Bill so that the changes could take effect as early as possible for the 2015-16 voter registration cycle. Thank you.

Ends/Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Issued at HKT 13:13


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