Police arrest five people for failing to comply with directions given by police officers and obstructing police officers

     Police today (July 4) arrested five people involved in organising the July 1 public procession for offences including failing to comply with directions given by police officers and obstructing police officers.

     The arrestees included two males and three females aged from 22 to 60. Among them, a 60-year-old male was also arrested for vacating a vehicle without having stopped the engine (Cap 374G, Laws of Hong Kong), while a 40-year-old female was arrested for misleading police officers by giving false information.

     During the public procession on July 1, the organisers arrested caused the lead vehicle of the procession to move forward at a very low speed. They disregarded repeated advice and warnings by the Police and even stopped the vehicle suddenly on a section of Hennessy Road near Fenwick Street for around 25 minutes. They also used loudhailers to incite other participants to stop and block the road with a view to forcing the Police to open the eastbound carriageway of Yee Wo Street.

     As there were tens of thousands of participants following the lead vehicle, stopping the vehicle suddenly or driving it at such low speeds posed serious potential threats to public safety and public order. It seriously affected the advance of the procession, leading to the possible occurrence of incidents or accidents and even causing chaos. The five people have been arrested on suspicion of committing the above offences.

     The five arrestees are being detained for further enquiry. Investigation by the Regional Crime Unit of Hong Kong Island is underway.

     Police fully respect the public's freedoms of expression, speech and assembly. Members of the public should comply with the laws of Hong Kong and maintain social order when expressing their views.

Ends/Friday, July 4, 2014
Issued at HKT 19:26