IV. Nurture the Next Generation
90. The Government fosters a culture of multi-faceted excellence and helps nurture young people through education, employment and whole-person development. We provide them with diversified learning, training and development opportunities that match their abilities, aspirations and education levels.
91. Young people should develop a positive approach to life and a sense of social awareness. They should take an interest in the development of Hong Kong and our country and cultivate an international vision. They should attach importance to both individual rights and social obligations.
Early Childhood Education
92. Early childhood education is an integral part of youth development. The Committee on Free Kindergarten Education is studying practical ways to implement three-year free kindergarten education, and plans to submit its recommendations next year. To alleviate the financial burden of kindergarten education on parents, the Government will increase the voucher value of the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme by $2,500 per year for two consecutive school years in 2014/15 and 2015/16. We will also lift the fee remission ceiling to help needy families.
Learning Support for Grassroots Students
93. The Government has devoted considerable resources to providing young people with formal education. To ensure that disadvantaged students have equal learning opportunities, three CCF learning support programmes will be incorporated into the Government's regular assistance programme from the 2014/15 school year. These CCF programmes are: (i) providing free lunch at schools for primary students receiving a full grant under the student financial assistance schemes; (ii) increasing the flat-rate grant by about 100% for each primary and secondary student eligible under the School Textbook Assistance Scheme; and, (iii) establishing a tuition fee reimbursement mechanism for students in need pursuing eligible programmes below sub-degree level and providing them with a flat-rate academic expenses grant. These three measures will benefit about 270 000 students.
94. To help implement poverty alleviation and other learning support initiatives, the Government will provide public sector primary schools with an additional recurrent grant equivalent to the salary of a Clerical Assistant from the 2014/15 school year. This will help relieve the administrative workload of teachers.
Enhancing Self-learning Ability through Information Technology
95. The Government will launch the Fourth Strategy on Information Technology in Education this year. Major initiatives include the phased provision of wireless network services and other supporting facilities for all public sector schools from the 2014/15 school year.
Increasing the Funding for Higher Education
96. In recent years, the number of students attaining the minimum general entrance requirements exceeded the number of publicly-funded, first-year-first-degree places available. The Government will provide students with more opportunities for higher education in the following five ways:
(i) From the 2015/16 academic year and in the triennium that follows, the intake of senior-year undergraduate places in University Grants Committee-funded institutions will progressively increase by a total of 1 000 places so that 5 000 meritorious sub-degree graduates will be able to articulate to subsidised degree programmes each year by the 2018/19 academic year;
(ii) We will study the feasibility of a new scheme to subsidise up to 1 000 students per cohort to pursue self-financing undergraduate programmes in selected disciplines to meet Hong Kong's manpower needs. The scheme, if implemented, will benefit three cohorts of students, and will then be reviewed for its effectiveness;
(iii) A Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme will be introduced so that students in need pursuing studies under the scheme for the Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions may receive a means-tested grant of up to $15,000 per year during their studies. The scheme is not subject to any quota. It will benefit three cohorts of students, and will then be reviewed for its effectiveness;
(iv) A new scholarship scheme will be implemented to support up to 100 outstanding local students each cohort to pursue studies in renowned universities outside Hong Kong, with a view to nurturing a diversified pool of top talent to spur Hong Kong's development. Apart from a scholarship of up to $250,000, students in need will also receive a means-tested bursary of up to $200,000 each year. The scheme will benefit three cohorts of students, and will then be reviewed for its effectiveness; and
(v) In line with our youth policy of fostering a culture of multi-faceted excellence, a $100 million scholarship fund will be set up. Universities and tertiary institutions will be encouraged to admit on a full cost-recovery basis about 20 local students a year who excel in sport, arts and community service starting from the 2015/16 academic year.
97. Full implementation of the above measures will offer more opportunities and wider choices for senior secondary graduates to pursue higher education. It is expected that an additional 2 120 subsidised places will be provided to local students to pursue degree education in and outside Hong Kong. Students who choose to further their studies in the Mainland will also receive financial assistance.
Other Measures
98. To ensure that no student will be denied the opportunities to fully experience diversified post-secondary student life because of lack of means, the Government will: (i) support about 9 800 students in need to participate in exchange programmes outside Hong Kong selected on a merit basis and arranged by institutions; and, (ii) invite the CCF Task Force to consider providing a hostel subsidy for needy undergraduate students who reside in hostels and increase the academic expenses grant for students in need pursuing eligible self-financing post-secondary programmes.
99. In the past two academic years, all student loan borrowers were given the option of starting the repayment of their student loans one year after completing studies. The Government will make it a standing arrangement to benefit about 23 000 students each year.
100. The "zero delivery quota" policy implemented last year for expectant Mainland mothers whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents has greatly relieved the pressure on local obstetrics and gynaecology services. Next, we will ensure adequate educational opportunities for local students, and continue to strive to alleviate the pressure arising from the demand for local school places by children born to non-local parents.
Reviewing Vocational Education
101. Last week, I attended a celebratory gathering at the Chinese Cuisine Training Institute to congratulate two teams of Hong Kong chefs who brought glory home by winning two international western culinary competitions held in Switzerland and Korea. Nearly all 25 chefs of the winning teams were past students of the Vocational Training Council (VTC). Their outstanding achievements in the international competitions confirm the Chinese proverb that "every trade has its masters". Over the past year, I have met many young people working or receiving vocational training in different sectors such as beauty services, information technology, design and construction. Despite their diverse backgrounds, these young people all share one thing in common with the chef teams: they strive to pursue their interests and realise their potentials and are committed to learning and making their dreams come true.
102. Mainstream education is not a straightjacket that fits all young people as everyone has his or her own interests and abilities. The Government should re-establish the positioning of vocational education in our education system and guide the younger generation in choosing their career.
103. The Government will set up a Task Force on Vocational Education to map out a strategy to promote vocational education in the community, and invite the VTC to draw up a strategic development plan for its campuses to foster synergy and provide state-of-the-art facilities pivotal to enhancing the image and quality of vocational education.
104. In the short run, the Government will implement measures to help young people with life planning and strengthen vocational education in four ways.
Strengthening Life Planning
105. First, the EDB will increase the manpower of the Career Guidance Team to provide holistic support to schools in providing career guidance service and life planning education. From the 2014/15 school year, public sector schools operating classes at senior secondary levels will be provided with an additional recurrent grant equivalent to the salary of a graduate teacher to introduce more life planning education elements. In parallel, the Government will encourage greater participation of business establishments and engage more community resources in the Business-School Partnership Programme. We will also allocate additional resources to NGOs to enhance career guidance for secondary students in collaboration with schools.
Integrating Vocational Education with Employment Support
106. Second, the Government will launch a pilot training and support scheme to attract and retain talent for industries with a keen demand for labour by integrating structured apprenticeship training programmes with clear career progression pathways. The Government and participating industries will provide a grant or an allowance for apprentices in the first year of training and the ensuing three years of apprenticeship. These industries must undertake to employ trainees who have completed training at a particular salary level and provide them with clear career progression pathways. The VTC will be responsible for implementing the pilot scheme, which will benefit 2 000 trainees.
107. Third, from the 2014/15 academic year, recurrent funding will be allocated to the VTC to provide industrial attachment opportunities for all students of higher diploma programmes and students of some Diploma in Vocational Education programmes. Over 9 000 students will benefit from the measure.
Qualifications Framework
108. Fourth, the current Qualifications Framework Support Schemes will end soon. After reviewing the effectiveness of the schemes, the Government will set up a $1 billion endowment fund, the investment income of which will be used to provide long-term support for the sustainable development of the Qualifications Framework.
Whole-person Development
109. Learning outside classroom settings can help students realise their potential in different areas, develop their character and multiple intelligences, and gain all-round learning experience.
After-school Learning and Support
110. Under various assistance schemes offered by the Government and the CCF, schools and NGOs are able to provide extra-curricular activities as well as after-school learning and support for primary and secondary students in need. In the 2014/15 school year, the Government will provide greater flexibility for schools in implementing the School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes and, by providing funding, encourage schools to make better use of the School-based Grant to benefit more primary and secondary students from needy families. In the long run, the Government will explore ways to consolidate various assistance schemes to achieve greater effectiveness.
Engaging the Community
111. We are pleased to see that the business sector and community organisations have, on their own initiative, launched extra-curricular activities and after-school learning support programmes such as Project WeCan and the 333 Learning Companion Leadership Program with encouraging results. To further encourage the business sector and organisations to work with schools to facilitate the whole-person development of students mainly from grassroots families, the Government will earmark another $200 million on top of the original funding of $200 million for the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged. The additional funding will be provided on a matching fund basis through the Partnership Fund, and will be dedicated to launching more after-school learning and support programmes for primary and secondary students from grassroots families.
112. Since the launch of the $300 million Child Development Fund (CDF) in 2008, the Government has been actively implementing and refining CDF projects. We will earmark $300 million in the next financial year to ensure the sustainability of the CDF and help more students from needy families.
Youth Hostels
113. The Government will continue to implement the Youth Hostel Scheme. In addition to the two projects in Sheung Wan and Tai Po, we will launch two more projects in Mong Kok and Jordan. Together, the four projects are expected to provide about 1 000 hostel places.
Uniformed Groups
114. The Government will allocate additional resources to strengthen its networking and communication with young people at the district level. In addition, the Government's recurrent subvention for uniformed groups such as the Scout Association, the Hong Kong Red Cross and the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol will be doubled in the coming year, and funding for the Assistance Scheme for Needy Student Members will be increased to benefit more students from needy families.
115. Furthermore, we have decided to expand the Cadet Corps of the Auxiliary Medical Service from the next financial year. The target is to increase the number of cadets from the current 1 000 to 3 000 in five years.
Broadening Horizons
116. The Government is actively exploring the feasibility of extending the International Youth Exchange Programme to more places. In collaboration with the Commission on Youth, the Home Affairs Bureau also sponsors Mainland exchange and internship programmes for young people arranged by community organisations. Places offered under these schemes will increase from the current 9 600 to 14 000 next year.
117. The Working Holiday Scheme between Hong Kong and other countries has proved very popular among young people. To date, more than 30 000 young people have taken up short-term employment while holidaying in various countries. The Government will explore similar arrangements with more countries.
(To be continued)
Ends/Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Issued at HKT 12:16