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Government response to media enquiries on free TV licence applications

     In response to media enquiries on the domestic free television programme service (free TV) licence applications and issues relating to the broadcasting policy, a spokesman for the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau said today (October 22):

     "Pursuant to a review of television policy in 1998, the Government announced the decision to open up the television market (1998 Policy). The 1998 Policy stated that 'there would be no limit on the number of domestic free licences to be issued. Applications for domestic free [TV] licences transmitted through other technically feasible means will be considered'.  The Government would like to emphasise that under the market liberalisation policy, it remains necessary for any free TV licence application to be processed in accordance with the statute and established procedures. The 1998 Policy does not entail a blanket approval of each and every free TV licence application received. Each application has to be subject to the Communications Authority's recommendation and then consideration by the Chief Executive in Council against all relevant factors, such as the sustainability of the free TV market as a whole, before a decision is made."

Ends/Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Issued at HKT 20:18


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