With the Mid-Autumn Festival around the corner, the Housing Department (HD) has called on Public Rental Housing (PRH) tenants to prevent their children from burning wax, which may cause accidents harmful to themselves and other people.
"Burning wax is a hazardous act which may cause fires and severe burns. Five points will be allotted immediately under the Marking Scheme for littering or wax burning in public areas, as well as a $1,500 fine if the act resulted in dirtying public places," said a spokesman for the HD today (September 17).
He stressed that children committing the misdeed would also be penalised under the Marking Scheme. The tenancy of their family members would be jeopardised.
"If the minors refuse to stop the act despite a verbal warning from our patrol staff, we will resort to their parents. The household will be subject to penalty points allotment," said the spokesman, adding that a tenancy would be terminated if 16 points or more are allotted within two years.
The spokesman reiterated the Department's zero tolerance to littering or wax burning and its determination to keep the Mid-Autumn Festival safe in PRH.
The Department will step up patrols in PRH to crack down on wax burning and littering. A fixed penalty notice of $1,500 or summons will also be issued to offenders on the spot.
In addition to routine patrols by estate management staff, the Department will deploy Regional Patrol Teams between September 18 and September 20 (Wednesday to Friday).
These teams, comprising plainclothes HD officers and security guards, will patrol PRH estates. A total of about 40 HD staff and another 300 security guards will be deployed for the special task.
To ensure cleanliness of the public areas in PRH, cleansing contractors will be deployed to clean up early the next morning following the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The spokesman said that public education against wax burning had been enhanced through the distribution of estate newsletters, display of posters at lift lobbies, promotional videos and rolling text on the Housing Channel.
A total of three fixed penalty notices of $1,500 or summons were issued to littering or wax burning offenders in public areas of PRH estates during the three-day operation during last Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition, about 380 verbal warnings were given.
The spokesman urges tenants not to burn wax and not to spoil the fun of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Ends/Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Issued at HKT 11:13