Correctional officers stop remand inmate from harming himself

     Correctional officers stopped a remand inmate from hurting himself in a courtroom yesterday (May 30).

     At around 7.45pm, the 20-year-old male remand inmate suddenly became emotionally unstable and hit his fist and forehead on the plastic partition of the dock after receiving his verdict. He was immediately stopped. He later calmed down and was escorted to Pik Uk Correctional Institution's hospital for medical examination and treatment. He sustained minor abrasions to his right fingers.

     A spokesman for the Correctional Services Department said, "The department uses all possible measures to prevent people in its custody from attempting suicide or self-harm. These measures include administrative arrangements, the improvement of institution facilities, staff training and first aid services."

     The remand inmate was remanded for the offence of rape.

Ends/Friday, May 31, 2013
Issued at HKT 12:35