The following is issued on behalf of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research:
About 15,000 participants of a mega reading event today (April 23) created Hong Kong's own reading records of "Most People Telling a Story Together" and "Most People Reading Aloud Together".
To celebrate World Book Day, the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) held the "English Alliance 2012/13 - Create Our Own Reading Records!" at the Hong Kong Stadium.
The Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, together with the Permanent Secretary for Education, Mrs Cherry Tse, and the Chairman of SCOLAR, Professor Cheng Kai-ming, joined 15,000 primary and secondary school students, their parents, teachers, principals and voluntary student facilitators from post-secondary and tertiary institutions, to create the records.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Ng said, "Today's event symbolises the importance that educators and parents should place on reading and demonstrates what teachers and students have achieved. In addition, it raises public awareness of the importance of reading and mobilises the community at large to help nurture good reading habits among youngsters."
The event featured a variety of creative, interactive and enjoyable activities. These included storytelling, a book character parade competition and reading-related performances so that participants could have a taste of world literature and experience the joy of reading.
As one of the territory-wide programmes launched by SCOLAR to arouse students' interest in English language learning and to improve their English language skills, "English Alliance" has benefited more than 40,000 students and 1,000 teachers since its launch in the 2008/09 school year.
Ends/Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:05