The Government today (April 5) announced the appointment of four new local members to the University Grants Committee (UGC) for a term of three years, with effect from April 1, 2013.
The newly appointed local members (in alphabetical order) and their brief description are as follows:
Mr Cheung Chi-kong Member, Executive Council;
Executive Director, One
Country Two Systems Research
Professor Mette Hjort Head, Department of Visual
Studies, Lingnan University
Dr Kam Pok-man Certified public accountant
Dr Michael Mak Hoi-hung Medical practitioner
In addition, the Government announced the appointment of one non-local member to the UGC for a term of three years, with effect from July 1, 2013:
Professor Adrian Dixon Master, Peterhouse,
University of Cambridge
"The new members comprise distinguished academics from Hong Kong and overseas, as well as professionals and community leaders. We are confident that they will provide valuable advice and contribute to the work of the UGC. With these new members on board, the UGC will continue to support the development of higher education in Hong Kong," a spokesman for the Education Bureau said.
The spokesman also thanked an outgoing member, Mr Carlson Tong Ka-shing, as well as two members who had retired earlier, Mrs Pamela Chan Wong Shui and Professor Willard Fee, for their valuable contributions to the work of the UGC.
The main function of the UGC is to provide impartial and expert advice to the Government on the development and funding of higher education in Hong Kong, as well as provide assurance to the Government and the community on the standards and cost-effectiveness of the operations and activities of the UGC-funded institutions.
The UGC membership list with effect from April 1, 2013 (except for Professor Adrian Dixon) is as follows:
Mr Edward Cheng Wai-sun
Members (in alphabetical order):
Professor Jack Cheng Chun-yiu
Mr Cheung Chi-kong
Mr Tommy Cheung Pak-hong
Mr Clifton Chiu Chi-cheong
Professor Chung Yip-wah
Professor Adrian Dixon (appointment to take effect from July 1, 2013)
Professor David Eastwood
Professor Malcolm Grant
Professor Mette Hjort
Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki
Dr Kam Pok-man
Professor William Kirby
Mrs Stella Lau Kun Lai-kuen
Mr Tim Lui Tim-leung
Dr Michael Mak Hoi-hung
Professor John Malpas
Professor Judy Tsui Lam Sin-lai
Professor Mark Wainwright
Professor Yuan Ming
Professor Zhang Jie
Ex-officio membersĄG
Professor Benjamin W Wah, Chairman, Research Grants Council
Sir Colin Lucas, Chairman, Quality Assurance Council
Ends/Friday, April 5, 2013
Issued at HKT 12:00