- Customs smashes drug distribution centres in Cheung Sha Wan and Fanling (with photo)
- A passenger fined for unlicensed export of powdered formula for infants and children and obstructing Customs officers in exercise of power
- Appeal for information on missing woman in Western District (with photo)
- Cluster of Acinetobacter species cases at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Speech by CS at completion ceremony of Old Wan Chai Revitalisation Initiatives (English only) (with photos/video)
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session in Beijing (with photo/videos)
- Seven arrested during anti-illegal employment operation "Windsand"
- Customs detects smuggled electronic gadgets in Lok Ma Chau (with photos)
- Lo Wu Correctional Institution inmates presented with certificates (with photos)
- Restaurant convicted of employing illegal workers
- Public urged to be vigilant against upper respiratory tract infection
- Secretary for Development to visit Guangdong Province
- Tender of 5-Year Exchange Fund Notes to be held on March 15
- Tender for reopening of 5-Year Exchange Fund Notes to be held on March 15
- SLW visits North District (with photos)
- Operators and manager fined for illegal guesthouse operations
- Man fined for illegal club operation
- Government proposes legislative amendments to meet pilotage needs
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Update on cluster of Influenza A cases in Castle Peak Hospital
- Territory-wide campaign to promote safe driving
- Elite athlete demonstrations for participants of 4th Hong Kong Games (with photos)
- Tender results of the re-opening of 3-year Government Bonds under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme
- Local HIV/AIDS situation in 2012 reviewed
- Violinist Chuanyun Li to perform with Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- Hong Kong: Global IPO market leader (with photo)
- Italian dance company to perform "FireFly" in April
- Red flags hoisted at several beaches