The Department of Health (DH) today (February 22) instructed a licensed wholesaler of proprietary Chinese medicines, Dragon Ginseng Enterprise (HK) Limited, to recall four such medicines that are suspected to be unregistered, namely, "Dragon Ginseng Flavon", "Dragon Ginseng Sapon", "Dragon Ginseng Ginseng Powder (50 sachets per box)" and "Dragon Ginseng Ginseng Powder (two bottles per box)".
The recall followed the DH's investigation into intelligence related to Dragon Ginseng Enterprise, located at Room 1201 to 1204, 238 Nathan Road, Jordan. All of the above proprietary Chinese medicines (pCm) have not been registered with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong (CMCHK). Preliminary investigations also revealed that the products were manufactured in Malaysia and imported to Hong Kong by Dragon Ginseng Enterprise. According to the labels, the products are all indicated for relieving fatigue.
"The use of unregistered pCms may pose threats to public health as their safety, efficacy and quality have not been proven. While the DH's investigation continues, no related adverse reports have been received so far. Dragon Ginseng Enterprise has set up a hotline on 2736 9680 for related enquiries. The DH will closely monitor the recall," a DH spokesman said.
"According to Section 119 of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap 549), no person shall sell, import or possess any pCm unless the pCm is registered. The maximum penalty is $100,000 and two years' imprisonment. Upon completion of the investigation, the DH will work with the Department of Justice on prosecution matters. The DH will also refer this case to the CMCHK for consideration of possible disciplinary action," the spokesman added.
The spokesman urged members of the public who have obtained the unregistered pCms to stop using them immediately and submit the products to the Chinese Medicine Division of the DH at 16/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, during office hours. They should consult health-care professionals if they feel unwell.
Members of the public may visit the website of the CMCHK (www.cmchk.org.hk/pcm/eng/#main_dis.htm) for the list of registered pCms.
Ends/Friday, February 22, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:02