A total of 137 nomination forms for the 2012 Legislative Council Election were received by the Returning Officers for the five geographical constituencies and the 29 functional constituencies at the close of the nomination period at 5pm today (July 31). The two-week nomination period started on July 18.
Ten nomination forms were submitted to the Returning Officers today.
During the nomination period, a total of nine notices of withdrawal of candidature were received by the Returning Officers concerned. They comprise a list consisting of three nominees from the Kowloon West geographical constituency, a list consisting of one nominee from the Kowloon East geographical constituency, a list consisting of two nominees from the New Territories West geographical constituency, and one nominee each from the Education, Medical and Financial Services functional constituencies.
A full list of the validly nominated candidates for the election will be published in the gazette after the Returning Officers have validated and confirmed the eligibility of candidature of the nominees.
The Electoral Affairs Commission will hold a briefing session for candidates at 6.30pm on August 3 at the Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre.
Commission Chairman Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah will chair the briefing session and brief candidates on important points to note in running their election campaigns and on general electoral arrangements. Representatives from the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Hongkong Post will also be present.
After the briefing session, the Returning Officers will determine by drawing lots the order on ballot paper of the lists of candidates or candidates for their respective constituencies and the allocation of designated spots for the display of election advertisements.
If the number of validly nominated candidates for a geographical constituency or functional constituency exceeds the number of members to be returned for that constituency, a poll will be conducted on September 9 for that constituency.
The number of nomination forms received for each geographical constituency is as follows:
July 31 Cumulative total
--------- --------------------
Hong Kong Island 0 14
Kowloon West 1 10 (1 list withdrawn)
Kowloon East 2 11 (1 list withdrawn)
New Territories West 0 17 (1 list withdrawn)
New Territories East 1 20
Total 4 72 (3 lists withdrawn)
The number of nomination forms received for each functional constituency is as follows:
July 31 Cumulative
-------- -----------
Heung Yee Kuk 0 1
Agriculture and Fisheries 0 2
Insurance 0 1
Transport 0 1
Education 0 4 (1 nominee withdrawn)
Legal 0 2
Accountancy 0 4
Medical 0 3 (1 nominee withdrawn)
Health Services 1 3
Engineering 1 4
Architectural, Surveying 1 3
and Planning
Labour 0 3
Social Welfare 0 2
Real Estate and Construction 0 1
Tourism 0 2
Commercial (first) 0 1
Commercial (second) 0 1
Industrial (first) 0 1
Industrial (second) 0 1
Finance 0 1
Financial Services 3 6 (1 nominee withdrawn)
Sports, Performing Arts, 0 3
Culture and Publication
Import and Export 0 1
Textiles and Garment 0 2
Wholesale and Retail 0 1
Information Technology 0 2
Catering 0 1
District Council (first) 0 1
District Council (second) 0 7
Total 6 65 (3 nominees withdrawn)
Particulars of the nominees will be available on the election website (www.elections.gov.hk/legco2012/eng/nomination1.html).
Ends/Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Issued at HKT 20:42