Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session at the Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre this afternoon (July 29):
Reporter: (is the committee meaning a "no" to the views of the parents)
Chief Secretary for Administration: It is not a "no" at all as I said. This is a very pragmatic response to the views that we have heard. Not only in today's action, but also over the last couple of weeks. We have heard that parents and certain parties have concern about how this particular subject on moral and national education is to be taught in schools. Some also worry about the teaching materials. Others worried about the readiness of schools to take part in this curriculum. So our response is this, we will set up a committee with broad enough representation from the stakeholders in order to monitor the continuous implementation of the subject in schools. Of course as and when views are expressed to this committee, the Education Bureau will find ways to respond to these views and to assure parents' groups as well as other stakeholders that this curriculum is being taught in exactly the same way that we have said in the guidelines and that is to educate our students to have independent thinking, to be able to analyse situations and come to an objective judgement. But basically I need to emphasise, the whole purpose of this subject, called moral and national education is to nurture our young people to be quality citizens, quality nationals and to be very ready to understand not only themselves, their families but also society at large, and of course, the world at large.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
Ends/Sunday, July 29, 2012
Issued at HKT 22:58