Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at a media session after attending the presentation ceremony of the Hong Kong News Awards 2011 today (April 23):
Chief Executive: There is one point about the transitional arrangements. I can assure you that things are going pretty well. I see CY quite regularly, at least once a week, and we also talk to each other on the phone as well. A number of things we have to do, for instance, the setting up of a new structure for him. Of course he hasn't explained to LegCo what it is all about. But I have now put in all the procedural support for him to ensure that the new team will then come into operation as soon as possible immediately on the first of July. Other things are going quite well. I'm quite confident that we'll be able to achieve what I call a seamless transition.
Reporter: Clarification of the question. Are you referring to the five secretaries' expanded bureaus issue? Can you talk about what Mr Leung...
Chief Executive: Oh no. One at a time, I don't want clarification...
Reporter: In your speech just now you talked about press freedom. Do you have any specific examples in mind?
Chief Executive: No, I'm just saying we're looking at different sides of a coin. Sometimes we are on the receiving end of very critical questions. You're on the proposal, on the other side of the coin and therefore we are looking at the same issue from a different perspective, and obviously feelings are very different. All I am saying is, very important is, press freedom is one of the fundamental core values in Hong Kong, and it is something we must protect and preserve.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
Ends/Monday, April 23, 2012
Issued at HKT 17:05