The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, will leave Hong Kong on the evening of April 9 for a duty visit to New Zealand, Chile and Brazil. The visit aims to advance Hong Kong's economic and trade relations with the three countries, promote Hong Kong's advantage as China's global financial centre and encourage businesses there to use Hong Kong as a platform to develop their renminbi portfolios.
The Chief Executive will stop in New Zealand first. Hong Kong and New Zealand signed the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement in March 2010. It is the first Free Trade Agreement that Hong Kong has signed with an overseas economy. While in New Zealand, the Chief Executive will meet senior government officials and business leaders and learn about the implementation of the Agreement. He will also attend a luncheon hosted by New Zealand business organisations and visit some commercial facilities.
On April 12, the Chief Executive will head for Chile. The economic and trade ties between Hong Kong and Chile are growing rapidly, with an average annualised growth rate of 12.4 per cent from 2007 to 2011. The two places are also at the forefront in promoting free trade in the international arena and are exploring the signing of a bilateral Free Trade Agreement. During his visit to Chile, the Chief Executive will meet senior government officials including the Vice President, Mr Rodrigo Hinzpeter; the Minister of Finance, Mr Felipe Larraín; and the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Mr Pablo Longueira. Mr Tsang will also meet leaders of Chile's National Congress and business sector and address the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, on "Hong Kong's role in China's development". He will also speak at a number of public functions hosted by Hong Kong and Chilean financial and commercial organisations.
Mr Tsang will proceed to Brazil on April 15. Brazil is Hong Kong's largest trading partner in Latin America and is a member of BRICS, whose influence on the global economy continues to grow. Hong Kong's bilateral trade with Brazil experienced an average annual growth of 10.6 per cent from 2007 to 2011. During his visit, Mr Tsang will meet top government officials including the Central Bank Governor, Mr Alexandre Tombini. He will also address a working breakfast hosted by HSBC and a luncheon co-organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and InvestHK.
The Chief Executive will be accompanied by Private Secretary to the Chief Executive, Ms Bernadette Linn; Information Coordinator, Mr Andy Ho; and Assistant Director (Media), Ms Betty Ho.
Mr Tsang will leave Brazil on April 17 and arrive in Hong Kong on the morning of April 19. During his absence, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Stephen Lam, will be the Acting Chief Executive.
Ends/Thursday, April 5, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:19